Bones’ Tamara Taylor revealed fake spoilers about the show

What is it that people love about “Bones”? If I had to single it out, I might say that, unlike other often macabre online procedurals, it had a truly silly side. Deschanel and Boreanaz worked overtime to engage viewers in their characters as much as their weekly murder cases. That also meant being willing to make Bones and Booth look like the lovable, bumbling idiots that they are.

In keeping with that spirit, Taylor dropped a few fake spoilers for the “Bones” series finale that ranged from the groan-inducing (“You’ll finally meet Bones’ sister: Muscles.”) to the confusing (“Bones tries to sign up to Instagram but discovers that the @Bones account has been taken over by an adult film star.”) to long-overdue jokes about “Star Trek” (“In the final episode, Bones tears off a mask and you discover that he actually is Dr. McCoy from ‘Star Trek’.”) and “Angel” (“Agent Booth reveals to Bones that he is, in fact, also Angel the vampire from [‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’].”). He also poked fun at the show’s iffy science by teasing the idea of ​​Bones watching an episode of “NCIS” and calling it “unrealistic” before concluding with a dig at those who had spent the previous 11 seasons predicting the the imminent end of the series.

It’s all a little awkward, but then again, it’s true to the ethos of “Bones.” When the show got silly, she did so in a nerdy, reckless way that seemed appropriate for his characters. She was also serious and sentimental when necessary (which wasn’t easy in an era when sarcasm and sass were all the rage in popular culture), and her fans clearly appreciated this. No spoiler in the world could take that away from him.

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