Because the horror film of a violent nature re-shot the first four weeks of filming

Problems happen on every movie set (yes, even and especially on your favorite movie), but when you’re making an independent film without the assistance of a Hollywood studio, there’s no money to make all these problems go away. Weather issues were a major factor in filming, as well as an unfortunate medical issue with the original actor playing the masked slasher, Johnny, who ended up leaving the production a little short.

“We had to recast on the fly, but we had to have other people step into the role before we could actually find someone to recast,” Nash explained. “So I think there were probably, in total… five or six people playing Johnny during the first block of filming that we tried to do.” But the necessary recovery was not relegated to problems beyond anyone’s control. “And there were just other problems that… I naively wrote a dog into the movie,” Nash joked.

I exclaimed that he was breaking cinema’s cardinal sin by including one of the four hardest things to include in a film – fire, water, children and animals – and “In a Violent Nature” already includes scenes around a fire AND a scene around a lake. “There was a scene at a lake that was much more unnecessarily complicated the first time we tried to shoot it,” she said. “In A Violent Nature” features some pretty intense kill sequences, including one it reportedly made people physically ill. Asking the producers to reshoot was quite a big ask, but Nash told me the entire team now knows it was the right decision to make.

For my full, in-depth discussion with Chris Nash, check out today’s episode of the /Film Daily podcast:

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